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Poverty, Privilege and Pumpkin Seeds

Poverty, Privilege and Pumpkin Seeds Today as I was preparing my favorite breakfast food, American fries with onions, I thought of how privileged I was to have a home and food to prepare. As I adjusted the flame on the stove my thoughts shifted to a young girl’s face and a conversation I had with […]

The Challenge Before Us: Feeding the World

The challenge before us…feeding the world. Quite often we are looking to the big companies to rise up to this challenge yet we are all aware of the toll it takes on our soils. With the rise in population comes a need for re-thinking the way we grow food. We see a solution and it […]

“Whose Garden Is It?” Kids: “It’s Our Garden!”

“Whose garden is it?” Kids: “Our Garden!” This is near and dear to my heart! It has been such a privilege to spend time with kids and youth in gardens as we learn together how to grow food and try new things. This year we had some water challenges which gave youth the opportunity to […]

The Seed of Love and the Thorn of Prejudice

The seed of love and the thorn of prejudice. This week we were saving sunflower seeds. We grow a variety at the schools that produce brown, tan, white, black and grey seeds. While picking out seeds a young girl shared with me that some people are prejudice toward her but she isn’t going to let […]

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