H.O.P.E. Gardens: Cultivating Creativity and Curiosity in Summer School Gardens

As the summer sun shines brightly over Wyoming, MI, H.O.P.E. Gardens is abuzz with excitement and activity. Our 13 school gardens are thriving, providing a vibrant backdrop for our summer programming. This year, we’ve crafted a series of engaging lessons that not only entertain but also educate our young gardeners. From painting pavers to repurposing […]
Growing Future Gardeners!

At H.O.P.E. Gardens, one of our most important missions is to teach children how to grow their own food. A cornerstone of this educational endeavor is our commitment to heirloom plants. By focusing on these traditional varieties, we not only preserve biodiversity but also offer a tangible link to the past, showing students the value […]
Growing Green: Teaching Kids the Value of Garden Produce through Fun and Games

by Kathy Bego, Garden Educator During our April classes, kids engaged in well-designed “Fun and Games” to learn that the vegetables they grow in their school gardens are worth money! A short slide deck introduced the monetary value of produce by featuring shots of an abundant school garden harvest and a grocery store flier.A clip […]
WZZM-13 On Your Side visits H.O.P.E. Gardens at Oriole Park Elementary

Our Programming…“helps them to see, now I can be a food grower,” H.O.P.E Gardens Lead Teacher Holly Smith stated during an interview with the WZZM 13 On Your Side television crew last week. “I can have a garden, I can encourage my family to have a garden. We can all grow food. Everybody can.” Echoing […]
Team 21 is Garden Planning!

At West Godwin, our team facilitated an engaging garden planning session for first and second-graders. Using creative materials like refried beans for soil, carrot sticks for fences, corn and black beans for seeds, shredded cheese for compost, and broccoli for plants, the students had a blast refining their planning skills while crafting miniature “gardens” that […]
Gimme Some Space!

This month, our students in Wyoming Public STEAM classes are receiving a lesson called ‘Gimme Some Space’During our lesson, students realized that, like themselves, plants have different likenesses and differences that a gardener needs to be aware of. They were able to recall from previous lessons that plants need sun, soil, water, and air but […]

As the winds whirl around the fallen leaves, it’s time to ready our gardens for winter. Before we embark on this task, let’s savor one last fresh autumnal feast: spinach, kale, and collards acquire a sweeter taste with a touch of frost. Additionally, you can continue to harvest root crops like beets, carrots, and parsnips during […]
Bountiful Harvest at Godfrey-Lee Early Childhood Center’s School Garden

At the Godfrey-Lee Early Childhood Center, green thumbs were out in force as students teamed up with H.O.P.E. Gardens for a rewarding harvest. Pumpkins, seeds, carrots, tomatillos, basil, tomatoes, radishes, cucamelons, sunflowers, marigolds, and zinnias were among the treasures plucked from the thriving school garden. The excitement was palpable as bags were filled to the […]
Senator Winnie Brinks Visits Our Garden

In a heartwarming show of support for nutrition education and food equity, Senator Winnie Brinks and her assistant, Kate Kooyman, recently visited the Gladiola Elementary School garden. This visit not only emphasized the value of hands-on nutrition learning but also demonstrated how school gardens have the potential to transform access to fresh, wholesome produce for […]
Exploring in the Garden

At Godfrey Lee Elementary, the students engaged in a fascinating exploration of their garden and compost bin to learn about decomposers. During their investigation, they made an interesting discovery: pill bugs, also known as Roly Polys, prefer the dark and damp spaces beneath wood chips and cardboard. Additionally, they actively participated in planting various plants […]