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H.O.P.E. Gardens Receives Farm-to-School Grant

In August, H.O.P.E. Gardens and the YMCA of Greater Grand Rapids were awarded a USDA Farm-to-School grant. This competitive award is granted on an annual basis to organizations that support planning, developing, and implementing farm-to-school programs.  H.O.P.E. Gardens will use part of this grant to install a new fence for Wyoming Regional Center, a program […]

H.O.P.E. Gardens Greenhouse: Pruning Tomato Seedlings

Things are growing well in the greenhouse despite the drops in temperature. In this video you will learn how to prune tomato seedlings as well as a view of what’s growing in the greenhouse. We hope you enjoy this and feel inspired to grow food in your home or garden. ??❤️

The Challenge Before Us: Feeding the World

The challenge before us…feeding the world. Quite often we are looking to the big companies to rise up to this challenge yet we are all aware of the toll it takes on our soils. With the rise in population comes a need for re-thinking the way we grow food. We see a solution and it […]

“Whose Garden Is It?” Kids: “It’s Our Garden!”

“Whose garden is it?” Kids: “Our Garden!” This is near and dear to my heart! It has been such a privilege to spend time with kids and youth in gardens as we learn together how to grow food and try new things. This year we had some water challenges which gave youth the opportunity to […]

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