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WZZM-13 On Your Side visits H.O.P.E. Gardens at Oriole Park Elementary

Our Programming…“helps them to see, now I can be a food grower,” H.O.P.E Gardens Lead Teacher Holly Smith stated during an interview with the WZZM 13 On Your Side television crew last week. “I can have a garden, I can encourage my family to have a garden. We can all grow food. Everybody can.” Echoing […]

Let’s Talk About Seeds!

We love teaching students where their food comes from. Did you know that a dormant seed contains everything that it needs to grow into a plant and grow food to eat? This month students learns the parts of a seed and then each was given a seed that had been soaked in water to awaken […]

Gardening in January in west Michigan? Yes!

  This month we installed a regenerative, no-till school garden at Godfrey Early Childhood Center in Wyoming. We were greeted with sunshine as we engaged in the process of covering the ground with cardboard, paper, leaves, and mulch. Soon a blanket of snow will cover the layers causing them to break down and create a […]

A New School Garden Install

Super Garden XV! Our recipe for a new garden at Godwin Middle School Ingredients: A big dump truck full of wood mulch (10 yards) A truck load of composted mulch (7 yards) At least 20 yard-waste bags of fall leaves Many sheets of cardboard from collapsed boxes 20 – 7th and 8th grade students 7 […]

Harvest Time!

Harvest Time in our school gardens includes picking, weighing, washing, preparing, and tasting! Watch the excitement, in this video, as the students at West Godwin Elementary discover cucamelons growing from overhanging vines and show off the radishes, peppers, cucumbers, and other vegetables they have harvested. After harvesting, students took their vegetables to a scale where […]

Garden Paths for Happy Feet

  Sometimes little feet are so happy to be exploring in the garden they forget where it is safe for them to go. “Oh no was that a plant?” We want the children to feel free to roam through and enjoy their school gardens and at the same time preserve and protect what they have […]

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