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Planting Seeds of Health: Learning, Tasting, and Growing with H.O.P.E. Gardens

Outside, snow still blankets our school gardens! While the winter weather slowed things down outdoors, inside, students in 58 Wyoming and Godwin STEAM classrooms stayed busy learning about nutrition, gardening, and healthy eating with H.O.P.E. Gardens’ teachers. This month, first and second graders focused on “eating the rainbow,” discovering how different colored fruits and vegetables […]

A Family School Garden Adventure at STEM Night!

We loved being a part of West Elementary’s STEM Night, showcasing the beautiful garden that students helped create! Families enjoyed a fruit salsa tasting and were given a kid-friendly recipe cookbook before heading out to explore the school garden. For many parents, it was their first time seeing the garden, and their children proudly led […]

Parent Night Open Houses in the Garden

“I’m Growing Food at Home!”We were thrilled to hear that families from Parkview, Oriole Park, and Gladiola Elementary have been embracing gardening at home! During the recent Parent Open House events at all three schools, excitement filled the air as students proudly guided their parents through the gardens they helped cultivate. These vibrant gardens, full […]

Team 21 is Garden Planning!

At West Godwin, our team facilitated an engaging garden planning session for first and second-graders. Using creative materials like refried beans for soil, carrot sticks for fences, corn and black beans for seeds, shredded cheese for compost, and broccoli for plants, the students had a blast refining their planning skills while crafting miniature “gardens” that […]

Gimme Some Space!

This month, our students in Wyoming Public STEAM classes are receiving a lesson called ‘Gimme Some Space’During our lesson, students realized that, like themselves, plants have different likenesses and differences that a gardener needs to be aware of. They were able to recall from previous lessons that plants need sun, soil, water, and air but […]

Plants Need Light to Grow

In March students in 39 STEAM classrooms learned that dormant seeds contain stored energy (cotyledon) to produce a plant. In April they discovered that after a plant begins to grow, the seed energy becomes depleted and plants must get their energy from the sun. Students were able to compare plants that were grown in sunlight […]

Unearthing the Garden’s Secret Helpers: Worms

As spring unfolded, our students embarked on an eye-opening journey into the intricate world of garden ecology. They uncovered the invaluable role played by worms, nature’s unsung heroes, in nurturing our green spaces. These humble creatures devour organic matter and fallen leaves, converting them into nutrient-rich soil that forms the bedrock of vibrant plant life. […]

Kids Learn About Pollination and Beekeeping

4th-grade students at Grandville South Elementary learned the importance of pollinators as they examined flower parts under magnifying glasses and bee parts under microscopes. One student told our staff he was excited to use a microscope for the first time! Student volunteers tried on a beekeeper’s suit and helped demonstrate how to care for bees. […]

February is a Good Month for Garden Planning

. Kids in 39 Wyoming Public Schools STEAM  classrooms, 7 Team 21 after-school programs, 2 classrooms at South Elementary in Grandville, and 4 classrooms at Countryside Elementary in Byron Center, all planned their summer gardens in February. They began by learning why planting a variety of fruits and vegetables helps protect the garden from being […]

Variety-The Spice of Life

In January we brought ‘Variety…The Spice of Life’ to 39 Wyoming Public School STEM classrooms. Students learned how eating a variety of colors of fruits and vegetables gives us a variety of the vitamins and minerals that make our bodies strong and healthy. We use MyPlate, which was created by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, […]

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