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Bountiful Harvest at Godfrey-Lee Early Childhood Center’s School Garden

At the Godfrey-Lee Early Childhood Center, green thumbs were out in force as students teamed up with H.O.P.E. Gardens for a rewarding harvest. Pumpkins, seeds, carrots, tomatillos, basil, tomatoes, radishes, cucamelons, sunflowers, marigolds, and zinnias were among the treasures plucked from the thriving school garden. The excitement was palpable as bags were filled to the […]

A Day of Discovery at Oriole Park School Garden

Excitement radiated through the Oriole Park School Garden as eager children finally stepped into the octagonal oasis they had helped to plant and tend in May and June. Over the summer break the garden had transformed beyond recognition, now a symphony of sunflowers, zinnias, and cosmos, inviting pollinators and students alike to partake in its […]

Senator Winnie Brinks Visits Our Garden

In a heartwarming show of support for nutrition education and food equity, Senator Winnie Brinks and her assistant, Kate Kooyman, recently visited the Gladiola Elementary School garden. This visit not only emphasized the value of hands-on nutrition learning but also demonstrated how school gardens have the potential to transform access to fresh, wholesome produce for […]

FitKids 360 Harvest Fest

This week families in Fitkids celebrated their gardens’ summer harvest with a dinner in Marquette Park’s gazebo. Once just tiny seedlings, plants are now stretching ever higher, filling the boxes and climbing trellises in this very green community garden. The Fitkid families, together with HOPE garden staff, planted and now tend six garden boxes. The […]

Exploring in the Garden

At Godfrey Lee Elementary, the students engaged in a fascinating exploration of their garden and compost bin to learn about decomposers. During their investigation, they made an interesting discovery: pill bugs, also known as Roly Polys, prefer the dark and damp spaces beneath wood chips and cardboard. Additionally, they actively participated in planting various plants […]

Reflecting on H.O.P.E. Gardens’ Vision for 2024

From the desk of Julie Brunson: As I sit here by the garden, contemplating our goals for H.O.P.E. Gardens in 2024, I find myself drawn back to our mission and vision, and the remarkable progress we have made thus far. While strategic plans and goals are undeniably crucial, it is the heartfelt moments that linger […]

Workshop for Our Congolese Neighbors

It was an honor to spend time with our Congolese neighbors at Flowerland in Wyoming as we shared our love of gardening and provided insights into growing in our climate (Grow Zone 6) as opposed to their region (Grow Zone 12).      

February Garden Tips

February’s tips come from our fabulous garden tech, Jake Torok. Get your supplies ready! Seed starting is just around the corner. Start looking at your seed packets and taking note of which ones need to be started in order to be able to be transplanted outside as soon as their tolerance allows! Peppers, thyme, and […]

Variety-The Spice of Life

In January we brought ‘Variety…The Spice of Life’ to 39 Wyoming Public School STEM classrooms. Students learned how eating a variety of colors of fruits and vegetables gives us a variety of the vitamins and minerals that make our bodies strong and healthy. We use MyPlate, which was created by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, […]

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