This week families in Fitkids celebrated their gardens’ summer harvest with a dinner in Marquette Park’s gazebo. Once just tiny seedlings, plants are now stretching ever higher, filling the boxes and climbing trellises in this very green community garden.
The Fitkid families, together with HOPE garden staff, planted and now tend six garden boxes. The entire community garden of about twenty boxes is organized by the nearby non-profit UCOM and collectively watered by all participants.
Children and parents began the evening by picking tomatoes, green beans, squash, and other produce from the boxes. The gardeners then weighed and charted the produce with Arthur, H.O.P.E. Gardens staff member. The night’s harvest totaled just over 22 pounds!
Families and staff concluded the evening by feasting on chicken tacos and a variety of salads inspired by the crops growing in the boxes. Ashley, Fitkids nutrition intern, planned the menu. Radishes from HOPE Gardens twinned with cucumbers for one colorful dish